Woman using an aircon remote

Should You Leave Your Aircon on All Day Long?

Air conditioners are practically essential appliances in tropical countries like the Philippines, where temperatures can rapidly rise to uncomfortably hot levels. For one thing, it’s not uncommon for people to run the aircon for the better part of the day during the summer months. And besides making sure that the human occupants of a home or office are comfortable, air conditioning also helps maintain important electronics like televisions and computers.

Air conditioning technology has also developed a great deal in recent years. Modern AC units now cool rooms more efficiently, save more energy, and have a significantly less harmful impact on the environment than their predecessors. One of the most popular types of AC to invest in nowadays is the inverter aircon, which automatically slows down its motor to save electricity once a room has reached the desired temperature. Because it’s so energy-efficient, you can run an inverter aircon for longer without worrying about racking up a sky-high electric bill at the end of the month.

These energy-saving AC units have become so widespread that a number of myths and misconceptions have also popped up regarding their capabilities. One surprisingly common one is that you can maximize your energy savings by leaving your aircon on for the entire day. The myth goes that an inverter aircon spends less energy maintaining a consistent temperature than it does cooling warm air after having been off for a while. We at Savers Appliances are happy to share the truth behind this household legend with you, as well as some tips for using your AC as efficiently as possible.

The Truth about Running Your Aircon 24/7

The myth that you should leave an inverter AC unit on for the whole day to save on energy costs comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of how aircons work. An inverter aircon uses the most energy when you’ve just turned it on, as the motor is working especially hard to bring the room to a cooler temperature. You can think of this phenomenon as similar to the surge of electricity that runs through a car when you start the ignition.

Once an inverter aircon’s sensors pick up that a room has cooled sufficiently, the unit will slow down automatically and simply work on maintaining the temperature. This is what makes them less energy-intensive than older AC units, which simply run their motors at the same speed the whole time they’re on. However, although inverter technology is meant to be more energy-efficient, it doesn’t work like magic. If you run your aircon uninterrupted for days at a time, it will obviously consume more energy and therefore cost you more money in electricity bills.

There are other reasons to give your aircon a break every few hours, too. The longer you run your AC, the more its filters will fill with dirt and dust. Once these filters clog, your aircon may start emitting warm air instead of cool. Furthermore, when dirt buildup from the clogged filters starts to accumulate on the aircon’s condenser coils as well, it may eventually damage them and the unit’s compressor.

Because keeping your aircon on for extended periods clogs its filters quickly, you’re also more likely to breathe in contaminated air the longer you run it. Air passing through a clogged or partially clogged filter will carry small specks of dirt that may contain viruses, thus causing colds and slight fevers. You can even develop an allergic reaction to these particles as they enter and irritate your respiratory tract.

Tips for More Energy-Efficient Aircon Usage

Now that we’ve established that it’s not a good idea to leave your aircon on 24/7, the next question is: how do we use an AC unit to the fullest? Is there a way to save on energy without compromising comfort, particularly during the hottest months of the year? Proper installation, care, and maintenance should help you strike a healthy balance—and, best of all, this doesn’t just apply to an inverter AC unit, but to a traditional window type aircon too.

Many experts recommend scheduling your aircon use and calibrating the temperature carefully to make the most of it. For example, it makes most sense to run your aircon through the hottest parts of the afternoon and while you sleep at night. Instead of turning the thermostat all the way down, keep the temperature somewhere between 22 and 26 degrees, which should be enough to keep you comfortable.

Keeping the rooms in your house sealed and well insulated will make it easier for your aircon to cool them efficiently. Try covering windows with blinds or curtains to block out sunlight, and make sure all doors and windows are shut before you turn the AC on. Any openings will allow warm air from outside to enter the room you’re trying to cool, which will in turn make your aircon work harder than it has to.

Lastly, your aircon does need regular care and maintenance. Every month or two, make sure to call in a technician to clean your aircon’s filters or change them if necessary. If you use your aircon constantly, live in a dusty environment, or have furry pets at home, then you may need to have its filters cleaned more often than that.

Investing in an energy-efficient AC unit and using it smartly are the keys to enjoying comfortably cool rooms all year round. Savers Appliances is a reputable carrier of both window- and inverter-type air conditioning units, as well as numerous other home and business appliances. Browse our catalog for an AC unit that suits your needs today, or contact our team for assistance.

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