woman adjust air conditioner

6 Aircon Usage Mistakes You Should Avoid

Air conditioners are essential appliances that offer relief from hot weather, pollution, and other elements that contribute to poor indoor air quality. In the Philippines, air conditioners are necessary for beating the scorching heat and staying comfortable even during the hottest months. Despite the ubiquity of air conditioners, it’s still common for people to misuse their aircons and cause a variety of issues. From a reduced unit lifespan to increased energy consumption, many common concerns are often the result of improper usage and care of an air conditioner.

Still, there are ways to prevent these missteps from happening and causing distress. This article will discuss some of the ways that you can properly take care of your aircon unit and make the most out of your investment.

Using Improperly Sized Aircon Units

If you feel as though your aircon is not doing a good enough job of cooling the room, you might have installed the wrong unit for your space. Picking the right aircon for your home requires a thorough assessment, especially in terms of room size. Small aircon units often need to work harder to cool a large room, while oversized air conditioners might not be cost-efficient for small spaces and rack up your electric consumption.

For small areas, window-type air conditioners and portable aircon units would usually do the trick. If you have a larger room, you may want to buy split type aircon online or consider installing a central AC system in your home to maximize cooling efficiency. Buying a new aircon unit might require some investment, but it’s a better option compared to sticking with a less efficient unit that could cause problems down the line.

Not Cleaning Aircon Filters

Aircon filters are vital components that help your unit remove pollutants such as allergens, spores, dust, and other contaminants from the air. Failing to clean your aircon filters regularly can lead to the accumulation of dirt, which then impedes airflow. There’s also the possibility of your aircon’s evaporator coil freezing up, which can cause your unit to malfunction.

If you have a reusable filter, you can simply clean it every one to three months, depending on how heavily you use your aircon. Ductless split-type ACs typically have removable panels that allow you to access the filter and wipe it off with a clean cloth. If your aircon’s filter is not washable, make sure that you regularly replace it to maintain your appliance’s efficiency.

Placing Your Aircon in the Wrong Locations

As a rule of thumb, air conditioning units must be placed in areas far from sunlight and heat. This is because exposure to heat can overwork your unit and cause your electric bill to balloon. It’s also not a good idea to have the outdoor unit attached directly to areas you frequently use, as aircons tend to produce noise from vibrations. Moreover, the lack of gaps could cause airflow impediments and hamper system performance.

As such, you may want to have your outdoor unit installed in shaded areas—preferably, in areas nobody uses that often. It might also help to place blinds and curtains to block out sunlight and prevent the heat from permeating the room, which prevents your aircon from effectively cooling the room. Lastly, you may want to consult an HVAC expert about placing gaps and padding to minimize AC disturbances while still maintaining system efficiency.

Using the Aircon to Cool Empty Rooms

Generally, it’s not a good practice to leave the AC running in unused rooms. Aside from adding to your electricity bill, keeping the aircon vents open in an unused room will increase the unit’s heat load and cool the room less effectively. To prevent this from happening, make sure to turn on the AC only in rooms you plan to use and don’t leave the unit on all day.

Keeping the Aircon Running at Low Temperatures

One common mistake that people make when using their ACs is keeping the temperature too low. HVAC experts believe that this is counterproductive, as aircons need to work harder to achieve the right temperature. Keeping the temperature low will only overburden the unit since it needs to use extra power to run longer.

If you’re the type of person who keeps forgetting to adjust the thermostat, it might help to opt for an AC unit with a programmable thermostat that automatically regulates the temperature. You may also want to consider using fans to circulate cool air throughout the room, especially if you have a large floor area.

Not Having a Good Drainage System

Air conditioning units need a drainage system to expel moisture generated while they’re running. If your AC is not installed in a way that allows it to drain adequately, water could build up in your ceiling and walls. For this reason, you need to consult a professional on appropriate AC placements in your home. This ensures that the aircon unit can drain accumulated water properly, preventing any water damage from occurring in the future.

The Bottom Line: Best Practices and Regular Maintenance Aid in Aircon Efficiency

As with any appliance in your home, air conditioners require good care in order to work properly for a long time. Along with avoiding the mistakes mentioned above, you should also prioritize scheduling periodic maintenance services for your aircon unit to keep your appliance well taken care of.

Even though there are online tutorials that can help you learn the basics of maintaining AC components such as filters, fins, and coils, it would still be ideal to have a professional service your unit from time to time. The frequency at which you opt for maintenance services depends on how much you depend on your AC, but the bare minimum would be to schedule annual checkups for your unit.

All in all, being aware of aircon usage mistakes and taking the steps to resolve them will help you keep your electric bills low, maintain system efficiency, and prolong the shelf life of one of your home’s most hardworking appliances.

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